So, now that we are clear on the difference between the heart and the soul [Ref1]. Let us begin to
peer beyond the veil of the word “soul” and begin to objectively describe the subject so
completely wrapped in such a simple four letter word. I personally believe that as God is triune
(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and made us, man, triune (Body, Soul, Spirit) [Ref 2] the soul is
also triune (perhaps the mind, will and emotions) wrapped in an intangible and indescribable forth
element that unifies and individualizes these three parts (perhaps another function of the heart?).
However, this is not predicated on biblical truth that I have come across, only previous teachings
of people who have pieces of paper on their walls in their homes and offices. Furthermore, there
is good evidence that the mind may be its own faculty separate from the confines of what we are
going to call the “soul”. This is highlighted by the words of Jesus in the Matthew and Mark
synoptic during His inquisition by the Pharisee lawyer which indicate a separation between the
soul and the mind:
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind. (Matthew 22:37 KJV)
However, I believe that at the very least these translati
ons are incomplete leaving room for further
discussion. Take a look at the descriptions below and decide for yourself if you feel led, for I am
much less concerned with the technical makeup of the soul and much more concerned with the
fruit, i.e. the physical and spiritual manifestations thereof.
KJV Translation Original Word Full Meaning (per Strong’s Dictionary and Greek Lexicon)
Heart καρδία -Kardia Prolonged from a primary κάρ kar (Latin cor,
“heart”); the heart, that is, (figuratively) the
thoughts or feelings (mind); also (by analogy)
the middle: - (+ broken-) heart (-ed).
Soul ψυχή-Psuche From ψύχω; breath, that is, (by implication)
spirit, abstractly or concretely (the animal
sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the
one hand from πνεμα, which is the rational and
immortal soul; and on the other from ζωή, which
is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus
exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew
רוּח ,נפשׁ and חי : - heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, +
us, + you.
Mind διάνοια-dianoia From διά and νος; deep thought, properly
the faculty (mind or its disposition), by
implication its exercise: - imagination, mind,
Thus, the topic of the soul can get sticky moving forward from that point as the conventional
teachings that I have been presented with and come across describe the soul as the complex of
the mind, will, emotions, and, while this follows the model of triunity and spiritual completeness (if
you are into biblical numerology) expressed through the truth of both God as He expresses
Himself to us and mankind, the words of Jesus to indicate that there may be a separation of the
mind and soul [Ref 3]. Regardless of where the mind sits in the makeup of man expressed as a
completed being, I am certain that it (the mind) is neither synonymous with what we have
determined and described as the heart from the biblical perspective nor is it more fundamental
than the heart in regards to the physical and spiritual manifestations of the expressed man. Yet, I
do think it bears necessity to discuss the mind, wherever it may lie in the blueprint of the complete
man, in our series together. So, without further adieu, let us enter into the topic of the mind.
Primarily, I think it bears mentioning that the mind and the brain are definitely NOT synonomous.
While the brain is merely an organ (a very special organ indeed!) that can be considered to be the
epicenter of bodily function, regulation and thought, the mind is more accurately described as the
epicenter of the faculty of thought, reasoning, cognition, philosophy and the contemplation thereof.
Futhermore, while the more advanced parts of the brain are active and help facilitate and express
these faculties, it does not make the brain, a tangible thing, and the mind, an intangible thing, one
in the same. Rather, I would argue that the mind, though closely related and inextricably linked to
the brain and brain function, is a completely non-physical faculty of a human being that is
responsible for and ultimately necessary solely for one thing, arriving at conclusions. I believe the
mind is a chief component of human logic for the soul and allows the other two components, the
will and emotions to function properly, which perhaps is why it is so important in relation to the
two. For how can one express desire (i.e. the will) without first arriving at a conclusion as to what
the desire is? Or how can one choose the appropriate emotion to express without a conclusion to
the related event that just transpired? For a very simple example, I must arrive at the conclusion
that I like ice cream (the mind’s task), before I can reasonably conclude that I wish to eat ice
cream (the function of employing the will), and upon experiencing or perceiving the event that is
born out of my mind’s conclusion being actuated through my will I can only then express the
emotion tied to actually eating ice cream. From this point, we can see that the three parts of the
soul work in harmony to physically manifest things of the spiritual realm with the mind being the
point of reference from with the manifestation starts.
It is from the mind that we choose which thought pathway to follow [Ref 4]
It is from the mind that we set the stage for our desires (whether they be spiritual or carnal) to be
experienced through the actuation of our will [Ref5]
Now, it stands to be said that will is blind and fully dedicated to its point of origin from within man.
That is to say, that carnal desires cannot be toward anything spiritual and spiritual desires cannot
be toward anything carnal [Ref 6]. So, if the conclusions that you arrive at through your thought
pathways lead you to a conclusion that supports the carnality of man, i.e. the flesh, the desire
stirred up within you will inevitably be carnal. Reversely, a thought pathway that leads to a
conclusion that supports the spirituality of a “born-again” or awake man (that is, one who has
restored the disconnect between God and man through the blood of the Lamb), the desire or will
stirred up will undoubtedly be of the Spirit. Let’s look at a pretty provocative example for context:
Please note that I’m a heterosexual guy and this worked for me:
Love Love
Ooh, Love by Kiesha Cole Ooh, Love by Kiesha Cole
Man, she fine… Picture Kiesha Cole Man, I want my wife to love me like that
I’d love on that all night long! I wonder if that’s the love God had for
Cute girl walks by me when He died (except for the kissin’
Man I wouldn’t mind lovin’ on all that either! part…)
Head to toe, and DANG look at that back Man, would I even be able to love
Lemme see what’s goin’ on with her someone like that?
Cute girl walks by
Conclusion: Physical love is pleasurable and God, please grow me to be able to love
desirable over chastity (not even considered my mate like you loved me
in this thought process)
Desire/Will: Go engage in conversation with Conclusion: Man is incapable of
aphysically attractive girl with the intention knowing and expressing real love
of "lovin'" on her. without God. (opportunity to lust, a
carnal version of love, not even
Desire/Will: Grow with God to learn how
to love as He loves.
Notice that the situation started out the same, but the conclusions and the will (which, ultimately,
begins the wheels of action to turn, discussed more in depth in next entry) ended up quite literally
being as different as heaven and hell. The mind, what you allow to enter it, and what you allow to
propagate within it, are powerful points of potential for either spiritual or carnal fruit. It all depends
on the input you allow your environment to deposit into your heart and the related thoughts you
allow yourself to think. I guess that’s why they say an idle mind is the devil’s playground…
Today, think about what you are thinking about, understand the message in the writings of Joyce
Meyer in a very good book to read if you haven’t already, The Battlefield of the Mind. The mind is
a terrible thing to waste, and an even worse thing to misuse.
Ref 1: Deuteronomy 10:12; 11:13; 13:3; 30:6; Joshua 22:5
Ref 2: 1 Thesselonians 5:23
Ref 3: Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27
Ref 4: Phillipians 4:8
Ref 5: Joshua 24:15; James 1:13-15
Ref 6: Galatians 5:17